Vim cookbook


This is a cheatsheet for vim commands and operations.


Display line numbers

  • in the current file
:set number # to enable line numbers
:set nonumber # to disable line numbers
  • to change config

add set number in ~/.vimrc

set mouse mode on

add set mouse=a to ~/.vimrc

set tab size

add set tabstop=4

Basic movement

  • h move to the left by one position

  • l move to the right by one position

  • j move to the downward direction by one line

  • k move to the upward direction by one line

Inline movement

  • b move to the start of the current word

  • e move to the end of the current word

  • w move to the start of the next word

Info: combine movement with a number, e.g. 3w, 9k is the same as pressing w three times, pressing k nine times, respectively.

  • ^ move to the first non-blank character

  • g_ move to the last non-blank character

  • n + Space move to the nth character of the current line

  • 0 move to the start column of the current line

  • $ move to the end column of the current line

Text movement

  • + move to the first non-blank character of the next line

  • - move to the first non-blank character of the previous line

  • :n jump to the nth line

  • :+n or n + Enter jump down n lines

  • :-n jump up n lines

  • gg or :0 move to the first line of the file

  • G or :$ move to the end line of the file

Info: combine movement with a number, e.g. 3G move to the third line of the file

screen movement

  • ctrl + e scroll down a line

  • ctrl + y scroll up a line

  • ctrl + d scroll down the half of page

  • ctrl + u scroll up the half page

  • ctrl + f or Page down scroll down the entire page

  • ctrl + b or Page up scroll up the entire page

  • ctrl + o jump to the previous position

  • ctrl + i jump to the next position



  • i insert the text before the cursor

  • I insert the text at the beginning of the line

Open a new line

  • o open new line below the cursor

  • O open new line above the cursor


  • a append the text after the cursor

  • A append the text at the end of line


  • x delete the character on the cursor

  • X delete the character before the cursor

  • dw delete a word beginning at the cursor

  • d0 delete from the beginning of current line to the cursor position (including current character)

  • d$ delete from current position to the end of the line (including current character)

  • D delete entire line beginning at the cursor

  • dd delete entire line,

  • d1G delete from the first line to the current line (including current line)

  • dG delete from the current line to the end (including current line)

Info: combine movement with a number, e.g. 3dw delete 3 words at a time, 4D delete 4 lines at a time

Mention: all of these commands is will ‘cut’ the text to the clipboard, so the following p will works!

Delete and insert

  • s delete the character under the cursor and switch to insert mode

  • S delete the whole line and switch to insert mode

  • C delete the following text after the cursor and switch to insert mode


  • r replace the character on the cursor but not switch to insert mode

  • R replace the following text

Copy & Paste

  • y copy a single character on the cursor

  • yy copy entire line

  • p paste text after the cursor

  • P paste text before the cursor

Info: combine movement with a number, e.g. 3yy copy the following three lines including the current line

Join lines

  • J remove the line breaks to whitespace

Info: combine inserting with a number, e.g. 5igo + Esc wil insert ‘go’ five times

Undo & Redo

  • u undo single action

Info: combine inserting with a number, e.g. 3u will undo action five times

  • ctrl + r redo single action


Inline searching

  • f<char> jump to the next occurrence of <char>

  • t<char> jump before the next occurrence of <char>

e.g. delete until specified char: dt" delete text until "

Global searching

  • * search the next occurrence of the word cursor on

  • # search the previous occurrence of the word cursor on

  • /<expression> search the expression in forward direction

  • ?<expression> search the expression in backward direction

  • n find the next/previous occurence in /<expression>/?<expression>

  • N find the previous/next occurence in /<expression>/?<expression>

  • // repeat the previous searching



  • :<line1>,<line2>s/<word1>/<word2>/g replace word1 with word2 between line1 and line2, flag g refers to global

  • :%s/<word1>/<word2>/gc replace word1 with word2 to the whole text, % means for every line, flag gc refers to global and need confirmation

  • ddp swap the current line to the next one

Visual mode

  • v switch to visual mode

delete the whole word: v for visual mode, e jump to the end of the current word, d to delete

Visual block mode

  • ctrl + v switch to visual block mode

Comment quickly: ctrl + v for block mode, select some lines, I to insect at the beginning of each line, input the annotation symbol, Esc twice finally comment several lines quickly

  • :10,20s#^#//#g comment // from line 10 to line 20

  • :10,20s#^//##g uncomment // from line 10 to line 20

  • :10,20s/^/#/g comment # from line 10 to line 20

  • :10,20s/^#//g uncomment # from line 10 to line 20

  • :%s/$/\r/g add a newline to each line


  • :! <command> run the command and show the output outside of vim environment